Wednesday 5th January 2022
Good morning Year Three!
Just as for yesterday, you will see today's lessons shown below. Again, please remember to send pictures of your work onto your Class Dojo portfolio, so that we can mark them and give you some feedback.
Again, please try and spend some time on the following online platforms:
- Reading Plus/Nessy
- Sumdog
- Spelling Shed
If you need reminding of any login information, please send a message on Class Dojo.
Today, we are going to be applying our understanding of 'sharing' and 'grouping' to divide by 2. Before watching the video and completing the linked tasks, please complete your Daily 10 starter by clicking on the link below. As for yesterday, go to level 4...multiplication...x5 and try to stick to the 7 second interval.
Maths video
Supporting documents for Maths lesson
Today, we are going to concentrate on our grammar and look specifically at pronouns. Pronouns, such as...
I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, them
... are useful in making sure we don't repeat words too often in a sentence.
After watching the video below, complete the attached worksheet. Remember to upload your work onto your Class Dojo portfolio.
English video
With Mrs Mead, you are beginning a new topic, called: Is it better to give or to get?
Consider how you can show love to others: what would you give?
Your time? Friendship? Forgiveness? A smile? A compliment?
On one of the pictures below, write words on your present about what 'gifts' you can give. I have put an example of my own - writing down the gifts that I can give to others. I look forward to reading yours and sharing them with Mrs Mead when we get back to school.