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St Andrew's

C of E Junior School

Be The Best That You Can Be

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ICT & Home School Agreements

Acceptable Use of ICT Policy

Mobile Phones


Personal Mobiles – Pupils

We recognise that mobile phones are part of everyday life for many children and that they can play an important role in helping pupils to feel safe and secure. However, we also recognise that they can prove a distraction in school and can provide a means of bullying or intimidating others. We generally as a school ask that no child brings in to school their mobile phone unless you are a Year 6 pupil as we recognise that a lot of year 6's make their own way home as they prepare to transition to secondary school.



Pupils are not permitted to have mobile phones during school time or on trips. If in the event of a parent wishing for his/her child to bring a mobile phone to school to be able to contact the parent after school:

  • the parent must bring a letter into school with permission for the child to bring in their phone.
  • the phone must be handed in, switched off, to the class teacher first thing in the morning and collected from them by the child at home time. The phones will be stored in the school office during the day.  (the phone is left at the owner’s own risk).



Where mobile phones are used in or out of school to bully or intimidate others,

then the head teacher does have the power to intervene ‘to such an extent as it is

reasonable to regulate the behaviour of pupils when they are off the school site’ - refer to Anti-Bullying Policy.



Parents are requested not to use their mobile phones while in school. Phones should be on silent and out of sight.

We do however allow parents to photograph or video school events such as shows or sports days using their mobile phones – but insist that parents do not publish images (e.g. on social networking sites) that include any children other than their own.
