Healthy snacks
At St. Andrew's CE Junior School, we are a Healthy School. We encourage the children to have a healthy lifestyle and diet, including the snacks that they eat at breaktimes.
What to bring
Children are encouraged to bring in a snack (or snacks) to eat at either morning or afternoon breaks. These should be such items as:
- fruit
- veg
- cheese
- smoothies,
- Peppperami
- yoghurts
These items form part of a healthy diet and have a low sugar content.
What not to bring
Items that shouldn't be brought in for snacks include:
- chocolate biscuits
- breakfast bars
- fruit winders
These items have a high sugar content and aren't a good choice for break times.
Snacks in packed lunches
Children who have a packed lunch are allowed to bring these snacks as part of their lunch meal but they should eat these items during the lunch hour and not at morning or afternoon break.
Nuts & Cereal bars
Due to allergies, we are a nut-free school. We are happy for cereal bars to be brought in as snacks as long as:
- they don't contain nuts
- they aren't chocolate-coated
If you're not sure about a certain item or you would like more information, please contact your child's class teacher or the school office.