LO: I can explain how to keep information safe when using the internet and Social Media.
Think about the SMART rules we looked at last week.
S- safe
M - meet
A - accept
R - reliable
Remember, always tell or ask an adult if you are not sure.
Remember the THINK rules:
T - Is it True?
H - Is it Helpful?
I - Does it Inspire?
N- Is it Necessary?
K - Is it Kind.
Remember one of the most important things when posting online is being KIND.
- Design your own Avatar.
- Create a Paper Social Media Wall on an A5/4 piece of paper- post (it note) on it kind things that you want to tell people. Or interesting things you have done over the week - thinking about inspiring others and being kind.
- Write a letter that could be e-mailed to someone to keep in contact.